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My name is Halle Tucker

 I am an artist from St. Louis, Missouri and a current student at the University of Cincinnati working to get my Bachelor in fine arts. I enjoy experimenting with my mediums and finding ways to connect people through art. I typically use themes of comfort and home in my work and am most interested in painting and photography. I also enjoy finding different ways to connect the two mediums. Outside of the art world I spend most of my time staying active, cooking, or finding a good movie to watch. I am on track to graduate in May of 2026 and am super excited for what comes next! 


Artist Statement

Halle Tucker, a Jewish-American artist, focuses her work on finding what home means to her and how it has affected her as she has gotten older. She is an artist originally from St. Louis, now based in Cincinnati, who carries a transformative experience of bouncing between cities throughout the United States. This transformation has infused her artwork with a focus on what home means and how it helps to shape our identities. Drawing from her upbringing in a Jewish-American household within a diverse neighborhood, Halle’s work dives into her personal history. She reflects on being fortunate enough to have an idealistic childhood that allows her to explore the ideas of belonging and becoming her own individual. She also enjoys the exploration of how pain can develop over time. By using a mix of painting, photography, and a new found love for printmaking, Halle finds new ways to challenge her materials and create something new and inviting.





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