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Tabula Rasa Gallery, Cincinnati OH
In partnership with artist Alyssa Baker

"Grow Up!" was a show created by myself and a fellow classmate that focused on childhood and losing creativity as we get older. We decided to take on the challenge of creating a gallery exhibition from scratch with little to no knowledge of how to do so. With the help of eachother and many friends we were able to create a successful and interactive show. This took place in October of 2023 and was up for about two weeks. Below is the show statement to allow you to understand the meaning and idea on a deeper level.


We are all born creative. For many, our inner creativity dies as our inner critic flourishes. The concept of this show stems from many conversations about hometown life and how Alyssa and Halle’s childhoods differed. Alyssa and Halle challenge the viewers to look at their childhood art and bring back the free-spirited, child-like creativity while figuring out what childhood can truly mean. 


Throughout this gallery you will find 8 childhood pieces of both Halle and Alyssa. They chose to recreate these pieces in what they consider to be their style now compared to what it once was in order to see where they could let their creativity shine. You will also find two larger pieces, each has been created to help compare the childhood experiences of Alyssa and Halle. Finally, there are two pieces for the viewer to interact and have fun with. The first is a map where you should mark where you grew up or where you consider “home” to be, the second is a sheet of your favorite things to pin and share. Although Halle and Alyssa come from different regions, they have come together as both artists and friends to reclaim their childhoods.


Find your inner child and grow up!

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